What Happens to Electric Cars after 8 Years?

AimforCent : Rohan
3 min readFeb 21, 2023


Have you brought a new EV car, or are you acquiring the information before investing? Yes, I understand your problem because you have heard EV may not work properly after 8 years. As the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) continues to grow, many car owners are beginning to ask what happens to their vehicles once they reach the 8-year mark. EVs are still relatively new to the market, and many people are unfamiliar with the lifespan and maintenance of these vehicles. In this post, I am going to tell you what will happen to your EVs after 8 years and what you can expect as an EV owner.


  • EVs typically have a battery lifespan of 8–15 years, with many manufacturers offering eight years or 100,000 miles warranties.
  • After eight years, an EV battery will work, but you might need to replace it.
  • EVs are generally cheaper to maintain due to fewer moving parts, but they still need regular maintenance and repairs like any other vehicle.
  • The resale value of EVs is generally good due to high demand but will depend on other factors such as condition, model, and demand for that specific model.

Factors that Determine the Lifespan of EVs after 8 Years

Are you worried about the lifespan of an EV after eight years? I understand your problem, do not worry! Your EV will still be in working condition, but the demand for the particular model will not be high because there will be new (even better) models in the market. To ensure a long lifespan and good resale value, you need to take good care of the EV and have it serviced regularly by a professional. Some of the important factors are:

Battery Life of Your Electric Vehicle

One of the most important components of an EV is its battery. The battery is what powers the vehicle and allows it to run for miles without the need for gasoline.

What Will Happen to Electric Car Battery after 8 Years?

Generally, it depends on several factors, such as the driving conditions, the temperature, and the owner’s charging habits. Experts suggest on average, EV batteries last between 8 and 15 years.

The good news is-

After eight years of use, you can still use the EV batteries.

It’s True!

Many manufacturers offer battery warranties for eight years or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first.

Take good care of your EV batteries; you do not need to replace them after eight years.

Now the Second Thought

If you find that your battery is starting to degrade after eight years, several options are available. For example, you can replace the battery with a new one or have your battery refurbished. In either case, the cost will depend on the battery model and power. Moreover, you can save money by not using the costly petrol in these 8–10 years.

Maintenance and Repairs of Your EV

EVs will require maintenance and repairs as they will degrade over time. However, EVs have fewer moving parts than traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, so they are generally cheaper to maintain in the long run.

If you have a regular car and can maintain it properly, then EV maintenance will be much easier than what you are doing now!

What will Happen to EV Moving Parts after 8 Years of Use?

You can expect to replace some moving parts that degrade efficiency, such as the tires, brakes, and suspension components. You may also need to have your battery checked and the charging system to ensure that everything is working properly. Some suggestions are:

  • It is important to keep up with regular maintenance and repairs.
  • Read the full article-

Originally published at https://www.aimforcent.com.



AimforCent : Rohan

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